Aaron - () (website) |
It's AMAZING. Aaron's favourite character(s): Olivia |
Adrienne - (email) (website) |
I like the stories. Adrienne's favourite character(s): Olivia Benson |
Aimee - (email) (website) |
It has the best detectives of any of the L&O shows. Aimee's favourite character(s): Olivia Benson |
Alexandra S - () (website) |
I can relate to some of the episodes and it's also good to try and win the case before they do on TV. Alexandra S's favourite character(s): Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola |
Alice - () (website) |
The cases are just so interesting and realistic! Alice's favourite character(s): Olivia |
Alli G - () (website) |
Alli G's favourite character(s): |
Alyse - (email) (website) |
Alyse's favourite character(s): Munch |
Amanda - () (website) |
The stories that are dealt with in the show are amazing to watch. Amanda's favourite character(s): Detective Stabler |
Amanda - () (website) |
I like watching them figure out the crimes. Amanda's favourite character(s): All of them |
Amy - () (website) |
Amy's favourite character(s): |
Ana - () (website) |
Ana's favourite character(s): |
Andrea - () (website) |
It's so life-like and so real. Andrea's favourite character(s): Elliot |
Angel - () (website) |
Angel's favourite character(s): |
Angela - (email) (website) |
Angela's favourite character(s): |
Angelica - () (website) |
There is something about SVU that is good... just don't know what it is just yet. Angelica's favourite character(s): All of them |
Angie - (email) (website) |
Angie's favourite character(s): Benson & Stabler |
Ani - (email) (website) |
It's always been a show that piqued my interest, I could relate to it at times. I grew up watching it with my grandma as well! Ani's favourite character(s): Olivia & Elliot (sometimes Amanda) |
Ann - () (website) |
Of the learning experiences. Ann's favourite character(s): All |
AnnaLeigh - () (website) |
I like SVU because I like to see how they match the clues to the perpetrators. AnnaLeigh's favourite character(s): All |
Anny - () (website) |
It's interesting. Anny's favourite character(s): Stabler, Benson & Tutuola |
April - (email) (website) |
They demand justice for wrong doing. April's favourite character(s): Det. Olivia Benson |
Arianna - () (website) |
It's freaking awesome!! Arianna's favourite character(s): Casey Novak and Olivia Benson |
Ashleigh - (email) (website) |
It's just a badass show. It's dramatic and intense. Ashleigh's favourite character(s): Elliot |
Ashleigh - (email) (website) |
I like Elliot. Ashleigh's favourite character(s): Fin and Elliot |
Ashley - () (website) |
The acting is so amazing and it's so real... Ashley's favourite character(s): I like 'em all! |